Santa Clara
Water District: http://www.valleywater.org/programs/rebates.aspx
The Santa
Clara Valley Water District is offering rebates to Santa Clara County
residents, businesses, and agencies for the following:
qualifying High Efficiency Toilets (HETs) that save, water, energy, and money
Landscape Rebate Program is available for Santa Clara County residents,
businesses, and institutions that convert qualifying high water using landscape
to water efficient landscape and/ or upgrade to qualifying irrigation hardware
that results in water savings. In order to qualify, you must participate in a
pre-inspection survey prior to applying for the program.
and install a qualifying high-efficiency clothes washer and you may be eligible
to receive either up to $200 for a combined Water Agency and PG&E
Rebate on an Energy Star® Most Efficient Qualifying Clothes Washer.
For San Mateo County, Bay Area Water Supply &
Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) is offering similar rebates to its member agencies
List of participating agencies: http://bawsca.org/docs/HET_participants_July%202013.pdf
of up to $100 per toilet if you replace a toilet that uses 3.5 gallons per
flush (GPF) or more with an EPA WaterSense Labeled HET.
Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) Lawn Be Gone! Program
provides rebates to approved customers that convert water-thirsty lawns to
water-efficient landscapes.
Through a partnership with PG&E, BAWSCA and
participating member agencies are offering combined water and energy rebates of
up to $200 per washing machine if you purchase a qualifying efficient clothes