Monday, August 29, 2016

Non-compliant Plumbing Fixtures must be Replaced

California civil code 1101.1 – 1101.8 calls for all non-compliant plumbing fixtures to be replaced with water-conservation fixtures by January 1, 2017 for single-family residences, and by January 1, 2019 for multifamily residences as well as commercial properties.

Non-compliant fixtures are defined as follows:

  • Toilets that use more than 1.6 gal/flush
  • Urinals that use more than 1 gal/flush
  • Showerheads that have a flow capacity more 2.5 gal/min
  • Interior faucets that have a flow capacity more 2.2 gal/min

Non-compliant fixtures may need to be replace prior to this date in order to get permit approval for certain building alterations or improvements.

When selling a multifamily residence (or commercial property) on and after January 1, 2019, the seller must disclose to the buyer this requirement and, whether the property includes any noncompliant plumbing fixtures.

Plan ahead and budget for these plumbing upgrades over the next 2 1/2 years. As we discussed in an earlier blog, toilets tend to be largest household consumer of water; so replace toilets first and begin saving on your water bill.